
Oct 05, 2008

Miles Berry

Well, I know I’m really late coming to this particular party, but for the last week I’ve been spending time with Twitter, a micro-blogging, social networking tool. There’s a really vibrant ed-tech community there, which it’s pretty easy to link up with by just following the people followed by others (if you see what I mean), with a wonderfully rapid exchange of ideas: there’s been much over the last week that I wouldn’t have noticed or thought of without this twittering. It’s also a great way of staying in touch with friends that I’ve been far too out of touch with of late. It’s still early days for me at this, but it’s been interesting exploring a few of the interfaces: I like twitterific, both on the desktop and the iphone, although the web interface isn’t bad either. Also on the iphone, I have locly – which, as well as finding nearby flickr images, wikipedia articles, restaurants and the like, also displays geo-tagged tweets.

I’d love to try twitter at a conference. It would be really interesting to see this working in class or out on a school trip too; although I suspect a walled garden version would be a good idea for this.