Media coverage

Quotes and other media coverage:

Podcast, the future of tech in education, with Al Kingsley and Matt Jessop for Connecting the Dots, 15 March 2025.

Will AI revive the art of tinkering? Podcast for Alan Harrison with Becci Peters for How to Teach Computer Science, 7 March 2025

Comment on OCR to review difficulty of GCSE computer science paper for Schoolsweek, 31/5/2023

Coverage on BBC World Service Tech Tent of the TeenTech Awards Final, 20 June 2022

Podcast interview for EU Codeweek on Teaching Computational Thinking. 18/1/2022

Interview with Paul Powers, Cybernaut Club. 6/12/2021

Interview for Learning Dust podcast. 29/6/2020

Coverage of Learning in the era of AI conference, Buenos Aires, Aprender en la era de la inteligencia artificial: los casos de tres países exitosos, Infobae, 26/8/2019, Educación digital en las escuelas, el próximo desafío, La Nacion 27/8/2019

Comment in coverage of TRACER 18 report, Computing in schools in ‘steep decline’, BBC, 8/5/2019

Comment in Is teaching coding in schools pointless?, TES, 3/5/2019

Comment in Exams ‘useless’ for computer science, say experts, Schoolsweek, 13/11/2018

Comment in The new computer science GCSE is already being reviewed, Schoolsweek, 17/9/18

Comment in A-level results day 2018: Computing soars in popularity as Stem subjects continue to rise, The i, 18/8/2018

Comment in coverage of TRACER 17, Computing exam changes are a turn-off, TES, 18/6/2018

Coverage of conbtribution to Digital Technologies conference in Belgrade, Džepni računar Micro:bit u školama u Srbiji, PC Press, 14/6/2018

Comment in Teaching AI in schools could equip students for the future, Raconteur, 23/5/2018

Comment on sub-vocal interface to Google search for TES, 24/4/2018

Comment on 1:1 access, Merlin John for Classoos, 18/4/2018

Various mentions, House of Lords AI select committee report, AI in the UK: ready, willing and able? 16/4/2018

Cambridge Assessment coverage of talk on Project Quantum (with Simon Peyton Jones) 23/3/18. Coverage by TES, 27/3/18

Interview on AI in education for Optimus Education blog. 15/2/18

Comment in “Cynical about Apple’s move into UK schools? Well, it turns out they need all the help they can get”, Wired, 24/1/18

Comment on Ofqual’s proposed changes to the NEA for GCSE computer science, The Register, 28/11/17

Interview with Aad van der Drift for Vives magazine, May 2017.

Quote on Primotoys's Cubetto in The Times, 9/3/17

Coverage of Hello World launch, IT Pro. 25/1/17

Quote in Islington Gazette on Islington Computing Celebration 2017. 18/1/17

TV interview for London Live at Islington Computing Celebration. 13/1/17

Coverage of The Roehampton Annual Computing Education Report 2015 from The BBC, Agent 4 Change, IT Pro and the Huffington Post. December 2016

Quote on contribution of computing education to UK world economic rankings, TES 14/10/16.

Comment on computing in Key Stage 1 for Crossing the Curriculum, Right Start, Sept-Oct 2016.

Introducing the CSTA interim standards for computer science, Sept 2016.

Roundtable, Computing, two years on. Education Technology Aug/Sept 2016

CPD films, Switched On Computing, 2nd edition.

Interview, launch video for Project Bloks, Google.

Quote from this blog in Zambia Daily Mail piece ‘Should computer lessons be compulsory?’ 16/5/2016

Producing a series of interviews for CAS TV for Computing At School, 2016-17.

Common on Technology is underused, heads say. TES, 15/1/16.

Comment on Ofsted survey in relation to BYOD. TES 11/12/15, and subsequently Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph

Interview, OEB15.

Comment on launch of Detective Dot (Bright Little Labs). Huffington Post (4/12/15) and Tech QQ (21/12/15)

Interview, CSPC15

#mytechstory for The Tech Partnership, 16/11/15

Comment on DfE decision to not develop GCSE / GCE IT qualifications, TES 4/11/15

Comment on OECD computers in schools report. Nyest, Hungary 21/10/15

Interview on coding for kids, Young Parents, Singapore, October 2015

Comment on low numbers of girls taking GCSE and GCE computing, TES, 7/9/15

Teaching coding to the next generation. I Programmer, 1/9/15

A year in the making. Roundtable for Education Technology, 14/8/15

Comment on BBC micro:bit deployment, TES 10/7/15

Comment on BYOD in schools, TES 26/6/15

Comment on academy vs LA school performance in league tables, Pocklington Post, 5/6/15

Comment on Singapore PM’s Sudoku solver code Agence France Presse,, Metro TV Indonesia, 6/5/15 The Nation (Thailand) 7/5/15

Radio interviews for launch of QuickStart Computing for Sky Radio, Manx Radio, SFM (Kent) and Sunrise Yorkshire, 14-15/1/15. Also launch video and content, eg Introduction to QuickStart Computing.

BCS, Islington Council and Arsenal FC celebrate computing curriculum, Computer Weekly, 15/1/15

Let YouTube be your teaching guide says expert, TES, 2/1/15

Evidence to House of Lords digital skills select committee, 21/10/14

Computing CPD videos for Stuck for Schools / Rising Stars: eg, Introduction to programming, introduction to algorithms,

Interview for BBC London on coding in London schools, 29/9/14

One day or ten years? Just how long do you need to learn how to teach coding?” Tech Republic, 4/9/14

How even digital natives get tangled up in the web” TES magazine, 22/8/14

Once it was wow, now it’s whatever” TES magazine, 8/8/14

Comment in Are We Ready For The Coding Revolution?, Forbes, 16/7/2014

Teachers unready for computing ambitions” TES magazine, 11/7/14

The primary gettinmg kids into binary” Daily Telegraph, 6/7/14

How to teach children computer programming; Today (Singapore) 4/7/14

Are we ready for the coding revolution” Forbes, 7/6/14

Why tablets for all could be a disaster waiting to happen” TES magazine. 9/5/14

How video games can push the button on better learning” TES magazine, 11/4/14

The new English computing curriculum” Radio Edutalk, 9/4/14

Travel without leaving class is a virtual reality” TES magazine, 4/4/14

H4cked Off: Has Michael Gove learned his lesson?” Computing, 10/2/14

Computing – Helping schools to speak the language of the future” TES magazine, 7/2/14

National Curriculum: Miles Berry on computing” Video for DfE, 6/2/14

The future of online learning” The Guardian, 4/2/14

Why computing curriculum fails to light academics’ flame of inspiration” Computer Weekly, Jan 14

Technology – open your eyes to augmented reality” TES magazine, 31/1/14

“Government education measures “still too predicated on volunteerism” says SET’s Bob Harrison” Computing, 24/1/14

“Tech industry must support schools more” Computer reseller news UK, 24/1/14

Recent UK ICT education like ‘teaching children to send a telex or travel in zeppelin’ says Gove” Computing, 23/1/14

Computing curriculum: digital skills versus computer science” Daily Telegraph, 21/1/14

Technology – tablet computer plan hacked to bits” TES magazine, 18/10/13

The DfE policy on ICT is there is no policy on ICT” SecEd, 26/9/13

Technology – Schools say yes to tablet computers as ICT spending soars” TES magazine, 20/9/13

How to teach the new computing curriculum” Guardian live chat, 8/8/13

Technology – Governments seek tablets for all as takeover continues” TES magazine, 2/8/13

Passing on core knowledge should not be central aim of ICT” Computing, 8/7/13

Round table on computing in schools, TES /  OCR 2/7/13

Tablets in schools double in one year TES magazine” TES magazine, 14/6/13

Computing camp helps students crack code” TES magazine, 31/5/13

Bringing new meaning to the spectacle of learning” TES magazine, 24/5/13

Technology in schools and the new curriculum: Shut down or restart?” Computer Weekly, March 13

Cracking the Code” BBC 2 (programme consultant), 14/3/13

Ofsted on PE, GCSE English regrade rejected and other educational news” TES magazine, 13/2/13

“Program-writing lessons to start at age 7” The Times, 18/11/12

An error has occurred in ICT planning, say teachers” TES magazine, 21/9/12

“World-class learning” Wigan Today, 17/9/12

“Kids join the IT crowd; What are the rules when school meets the digital world?” The Sunday Times, 8/7/12

Wiki education: Schools should take “open source” approach to ICT, says Naace” Computing, 14/6/12

Apple: iBooks 2 will ‘reinvent textbooks’” Guardian online, 19/1/12

ICT in schools panel discussion, Sky News, 15/1/12

ICT teachers welcome new computer programming lessons“, BBC news website, 11/1/12

Smartphones and handheld computers: the new battleground in UK schools” The Guardian, 30/10/11

Bett 2011: touch screen technology moves centre stage at schools ICT show” The Guardian, 25/1/11

Balancing the budget” TES magazine, 7/1/11

Acing your teacher training” Live Q&A Guardian Careers

Social constructivism and open source software” Videoed lecture for Teachers’ TV, 15/2/10

“Back to the motherboard” TES, 18/9/09

“From ABC to ICT” TES, 29/5/09

Don’t panic!” The Guardian, 13/1/09

Get ready for the next intranet generation” The Guardian, 13/1/09

Are we ready for parents to watch our lessons by webcam?” TES 12/9/08

Moodle nudges forward” The Guardian, 8/1/08

Don’t sign up to Microsoft, watchdog urges schools” TES, 26/10/07

“Wiki man” TES, 30/3/07

Come to class with your flexible friend” The Guardian, 12/12/06

If you can’t find it here, you won’t find it anywhere” The Guardian, 12/12/06

A Bett show for a brave new world” The Guardian, 12/12/06

The writing’s on the wall for paper and pencil” The Guardian, 16/5/06″

“What’s in a name” TES, 10/3/06

“Platform for change” TES, 10/3/06

A space on the web that we control” The Guardian, 7/3/06

Culture Vulture, TES, 10/2/06

“ICT awards” TES, 6/1/06

The use of Moodle in the classroom” podcast for Learn 4 Life 31/5/05