Becta publish learning services framework agreement
Feb 28, 2006
The full text of the framework agreement for those wishing to supply learning platforms to local authorites and RBCs is on the OJEU website, try here.
Key facts are that those wishing to tender need net worth in excess of £700,000, a Dun & Bradstreet minimum risk indicator of at least 3 (!?), and three years of audited accounts, although these criteria may be relaxed in the case of consortia of SMEs. They’ll also need to provide a history of major education sector contracts and successful learning platform implementations.
It seems obvious to me that RBCs and Local Authorities would get far better value for money by hosting solutions like Moodle and Elgg in-house, and using the funding to pay for development, support, training and content, rather than paying towards licence fees, profits and dividends.