Some examples of using computing in maths
Mar 09, 2021
Over the years, I’ve created a number of different examples for how computing might be better integrated into maths education. Here’s at attempt at pulling together some of the things I’ve said, written and made for this.
Data science breakout at CSTA’s Future of CS Summit.
A walkthrough of creating a fractions class in Python, to introduce some of the ideas of object oriented programming.
A presentation, just before the first COVID-19 lockdown, on teaching data skills for all.
Three old walkthroughs (from 2011!) with a snowflake theme: Geogebra, Inkscape and Scratch 1.4.
Just the slide decks here…
Computational thinking and mathematical reasoning
The silent C in STEM With Andrew Csizmadia
Using Scratch in the mathematics classroom
Coding challenges for able mathematicians
Computational thinking and mathematical reasoning, Hello World 10
Time for change, Hello World 10
Data science in schools, CSTA Advocate
Mathematics and Computer Science, CSTA Advocate
Making Change, Teachwire
Computational thinking and mathematical reasoning with Andrew Csizmadia
Making the links between computing and mathematics Switched On
Python examples
Scratch examples
HCF algorithms, qv Euclid’s algorithm
Making change - the ultimate version?